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M1 Carbines and Accessories

To Purchase Firearms Online: You must be 18 or older to purchase long guns and 21 or older to purchase hand guns. Check your local & state laws.
Federal firearms laws prevent Inland Depot / Inland Manufacturing, LLC. from shipping firearms directly to individuals without a valid Federal Firearms License (FFL), however we can ship them to a local FFL Holder near you.
In order to purchase your firearm and have us ship it, you must complete the following steps listed below before we can process your order and ensure a trouble free transaction.
  1. Verify that the firearm you wish to purchase from Inland Depot / Inland Manufacturing, LLC. meets the laws of your state, county, or city.
  2. Find a FFL holder near you that will accept the transfer of the firearm for you. This can be your local Gun Shop, Pawn Shop, Gun Range or any other location that holds a current FFL and will help you with your transaction.
  3. Have the FFL holder e-mail, fax or mail a file copy of their FFL to us at the address below including your name and firearm to be purchased: Inland Depot / Inland Manufacturing, LLC. Attn: FFL Department 6785 W. 3rd St Dayton, Ohio 45417 Inland Depot / Inland Manufacturing, LLC. Fax: 1 (937) 835-0223 E-Mail Foms to:
  4. Complete your firearm purchase online. You will receive an order confirmation e-mail with your order number.
  5. Contact your FFL and tell them you would like to transfer a firearm from Inland Depot. This transaction is between you and the FFL holder.
  6. Once your FFL holder receives your firearm, you will need to pick it up. Important: Upon arrival at your FFL holder inspect your firearm to make certain that everything is acceptable before filling out the necessary paperwork. Once the transfer of the firearm is complete, the manufacturer's warranty is then in effect and from that point on any complications with the firearm will need to be handled by the manufacturer. Failure to read and complete all the necessary steps above could result in the delay of receiving your firearm(s).                                                                                     
    NOTE: Ammunition and Firearms must be purchased separately, in two separate orders
Inland-Skinner M1 Carbine Sight (Out of Stock)Inland - Skinner M1 Sight Price: $69.95

NEW for 2019! Limited Supply Available Immediately

Inland has partnered with Skinner Sights to develop what could be the best sight solution ever produced for the M1 Carbine!  The Inland-Skinner M1 Sight is a very attractive usable solution for anyone that wants to have a functional M1 Carbine* , and want to shoot it! 

*Fits USGI and most Commercial M1 Carbines, some fitting may be required.



011 Not Available-B.Jones Lens for Inland-Skinner Sight Price: $49.00

NEW for 2019! Limited Supply Available Immediately

B.Jones sights has been the standard for nearly 3 decades providing aperture lens options for competitive long range rifle shooters.  Now these high quality lenses are available for sporting, hunting, and defensive applications with Skinner sight apertures.



Lens Size
SkinnerCombo1 (Out of Stock)Inland-Skinner Sight / Lens Combo Price: $99.00

NEW for 2019! Limited Supply Available Immediately

Now you can get a complete Inland-Skinner Sight package that includes either a .5 or .7 B.Jones aperture lenses, a savings of nearly 20.00 if purchased separately.  B.Jones lenses have been the standard for nearly 3 decades providing aperture lens options for competitive long range rifle shooters.  Now these high quality lenses are available for sporting, hunting, and defensive applications with Skinner sight apertures.



Lens Size
SkinnerCombo2 (Out of Stock)Inland-Skinner Sight / Lens Deluxe Combo Price: $139.00

NEW for 2019! Limited Supply Available Immediately

Now you can get a complete Inland-Skinner Sight package that includes both .5 & .7 B.Jones aperture lenses, a savings of over 30.00 if purchased separately.  B.Jones lenses have been the standard for nearly 3 decades providing aperture lens options for competitive long range rifle shooters.  Now these high quality lenses are available for sporting, hunting, and defensive applications with Skinner sight apertures.



M1A1 Stock Assy Right (Out of Stock)M1A1 Stock Assembly & Handguard (walnut) Price: $329.95
Complete M1A1 stock assembly with hardware for $329.95 + shipping, select US Postage for shipping when possible and save.  This stock assembly is eligible to ship priority mail.


1911A1r (Out of Stock) M1 Carbine "1944 Model" Price: $1,395.00
This purchase automatically qualifies for a $20 credit for FFL transfer. Credit will be reflected in the checkout process.
ILM140R (Out of Stock) M1 Carbine "1945 Model" Price: $1,395.00
This purchase automatically qualifies for a $20 credit for FFL transfer. Credit will be reflected in the checkout process.
ILM170 (Out of Stock)M1 Carbine "Jungle" Price: $1,395.00
This purchase automatically qualifies for a $20 credit for FFL transfer. Credit will be reflected in the checkout process.
ILM160 (Out of Stock) M1 Carbine "Scout" Price: $1,295.00
This purchase automatically qualifies for a $20 credit for FFL transfer. Credit will be reflected in the checkout process.
ILM150 (Out of Stock)M1A1 Carbine - 1944 Paratrooper Price: $1,595.00
This purchase automatically qualifies for a $20 credit for FFL transfer. Credit will be reflected in the checkout process.
Advisor *Out Of Stock Currently* M1 Advisor Pistol Price: $1,429.95
This purchase automatically qualifies for a $20 credit for FFL transfer. Credit will be reflected in the checkout process.
mini-scout-mount.jpg Mini Scout Mount Price: $189.99

This new model Mini-Scout-Mount ™ fits all US military spec M1-Carbines (including those made by Kahr Arms), and has the same great features as the proven Mini-Scout-Mount ™ for the M1-Garand.

m1_10rd (Out of Stock) M1 Carbine Magazine, 10-round Price: $34.95

Our 10 round magazine is constructed with 400 series Stainless Steel with a matte black finish for durability and long life!


MC110AS_photo.jpg (OUT OF STOCK)M1 Carbine Magazine, 15-round Price: $39.95

Our 15 round M1 Carbine magazine is constructed with 400 series Stainless Steel with a nitride finish for durability and long life!

Prohibited by state laws in CA,MA,MD,NJ,NY,HI AND CT.

30-round-mag.jpg (Out of Stock)M1 Carbine Magazine, 30-round Price: $38.95

New Production 30-round magazine, carbon steel with blued finish, these are replicas of 1960 era magazines that feature a bolt hold open follower.

Prohibited by state laws in CA,MA,MD,NJ,NY,CO,HI AND CT.

Before purchasing, be sure that there are no local restrictions on high capacity magazines.

(Out of Stock)M1 Bolt Assembly - Flat Top Price: $164.95

Complete "Flat Top" M1 Carbine bolt assembly, includes firing pin & extractor.

(Out of Stock)MC004AS - Bolt Assembly - Round Price: $158.95

Complete "Round Bolt" M1 Carbine bolt assembly, includes firing pin & extractor.

sling_oiler.jpg M1 Carbine Sling & Oiler Combo Price: $25.95

OD green cotton web sling and new manufacture M1 carbine oiler.

stock_guard_combo.jpg (Out of Stock)Stock Assembly Factory Blemish (Walnut) Price: $176.95
Full stock assembly with hand guard, Hardware included, Factory Blemish, Minor Scratch, Dent, or color match FREE SHIPPING! non-refundable! *
M1 Conical Flash Hider Price: $39.95

Conical Flash Hider as used on the Advisor M1 Carbine Pistol, M1 Scout, and Jungle Carbine.

Aguila .30 Ammunition, 50 Rds (MUST SHIP UPS GROUND, NOT USPS GROUND ADVANTAGE! ATF PROHIBITS POSTAL SHIPPING! If any other method of ship is chosen, the order will cancel!) Price: $39.95

Aguila .30 Carbine 110gr RN Ammunition, 50 Rds

Armscor (NOT AVAILABLE)Armscor .30 Ammunition (50 Rds) Price: $24.95

Armscor .30 Carbine 110gr RN Ammunition, 50 Rds

Case (NO Longer AVAILABLE) Armscor .30 Carbine Ammo (1000 rd Case) Price: $399.95

Armscor .30 Carbine 110gr RN Ammunition, 1000 Rds

2n1 Gun Case Classic Gun Case 2 in 1 Price: $99.52 On Sale! $59.95
Classic 2 in 1 case by Neverlost
DV Gun Case (Out of Stock)Deluxe Guncase with Dry Vault Price: $160.98 On Sale! $89.95

Neverlost Deluxe Guncase

Classic 6043 Classic Gun Case Price: $89.95 On Sale! $49.95

Classic gun case from NeverLost .

Oil1 (Out of Stock)Inland Finishing Oil (3 OZ) Price: $29.95

Inland Finishing Oil has a boiled linseed oil base that dries quickly and provides a durable oil finish.  For any natural wood surface. 3 OZ BOTTLE


